Image Submission Methods
A. Digital Image Submission
If you are submitting digital images, please supply the images in DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) format.
DICOM images can be submitted in various ways:
Submission of full DICOM studies can be achieved by uploading/exporting from your digital system at your veterinary practice to Use the email address to notify me.
This ensures ease of submission of DICOM images and a fast turnaround time. For full details on how use this service, veterinarians can email me.
NOTE: Unfortunately I do not accept DICOM images being sent via email.
2. By Courier
DICOM digital images can be submitted on a CD/flash drive via courier.
The CD/flashdrive must be labelled providing the details of the patient(s).
Postnet-to-Postnet courier can be utilised. Please contact Dr van Staden for the relevant branch. Any other direct courier can be utilised (physical address available –please contact Dr van Staden) .
For Hip and elbow dysplasia certification:
ONLY images in the DICOM format are acceptable, and low resolution JPEG images will not be accepted.
For Clinical cases:
Images in the DICOM format should preferably be submitted. JPEG images have a low resolution and the image quality is compromised and this can result in a reduced diagnostic yield.